Sunday, July 29, 2012

BC Ferries - Largest Vehicle Ferry Fleet in the World

BC Ferries has the largest fleet of vehicle ferry vessels in the world. There are 35 vessels, ranging from small 16-car ferries up to 470-car "superferries".

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

BC Ferries largest ferry service N.America 2nd in the World

British Columbia Ferry Services or BC Ferries provides all major passenger and vehicle ferry services for coastal and island communities in the Canadian province of British Columbia.  BC Ferries has become the largest passenger ferry line in North America and the second largest in the world, boasting a fleet of 36 vessels with a total passenger and crew capacity of over 27,000, serving 49 locations on the B.C. coast

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Terry Fox a truly great Canadian

Happy Birthday Terry Fox (July 28, 1958 – June 28, 1981 One of the great Canadian's.  A humanitarian, athlete, and cancer research activist his legacy can be found at  At the age of 22 and with one prosthetic leg he embarked on a cross Canada marathon to raise money and awareness for cancer research.  He unfortunately did not complete but his legacy has lived on and each year kids embark on the Terry Fox run.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Friday, July 27, 2012

The Population of BC is less than Los Angeles

The population of British Columbia is roughly 4.5 million people. Roughly 2.5 million live in a small section located on the southwestern tip, Metro Vancouver.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Thursday, July 26, 2012

BC has the mildest climate in Canada

Due to the Pacific Ocean jetstream, the annual mean temperature in the most populated areas of the province BC are above 10 °C (50 °F), the mildest anywhere in Canada. Beautiful Britsh Columbia!

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

British Columbia capital is Victoria, BC

The capital of British Columbia is Victoria, BC. Named after Queen Victoria ( Queen of England at the time of confederation ) it sits on the southern tip of Vancouver Island off the westcoast of BC.  Old English charm remains today with its small narrow streets and beautiful gardens.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Texas is big but British Columbia is bigger

Things in Texas are always big. British Columbia is bigger. Did you know that at 944,735 square km, BC is 1.4 times the size of Texas, USA. 

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Sunday, July 22, 2012

1858 - Queen Victoria chooses British Columbia

1858 - Queen Victoria herself chooses the name British Columbia, for the westernmost territory in Canada. its area was established via the Oregon Treaty 1846 between the United States and Great Britain.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Saturday, July 21, 2012

1774 Indigenous Peoples

1774 - If we visited we would see the indigenous peoples speaking more than 30 different languages, including Babine, Beaver, Carrier, Tsilhqot'in, Gitksan, Haida, Halkomelem, Kaska, Kutenai, St'at'imcets, Nisga'a, Nuu-chah-nulth, Nuxálk, Sekani, Secwepemc, Sinixt, Sḵwxwú7mesh, Tagish, Tahltan, Nlaka'pamux, Tlingit, Tsetsaut, and Tsimshian.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, 1871 BC enters confederation

BC enters confederation July 20, 1871.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Thursday, July 19, 2012

1966 - Bank of BC opens

1966 - W.A.C. Bennet opens the Bank of British Columbia.  Later sold to HSBC in 1986.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

BC conservatives win election

July 18, 1928, Bc Conservatives under Simon Fraser Tolmie win election over Liberals.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

Tallest building in Vancouver

Tallest building in Vancouver currently is Living Shangri La. Downtown it stands 201m.

Check back everyday for more info and facts on British Columbia.  Perfect for tourism and the travel junkie.  Beautiful British Columbia.  

tallest point in BC

Highest point in Bc is Mount Fairweather. 4,663m
1991 - Rita Johnston becomes leader of the Social Credit party in BC. She defeats Grace McCarthy and goes on to become BC Premier for 7 months.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

1976 Montreal Olympics opens

Queen Elizabeth II opens the games in front of 73,000 at The new Olympic stadium.  No gold for canada.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 1934 Malkin Bowl Opens

July 8, 1934 Vancouver Symphony Orchestra opens the new Malin Bowl Theatre in Stanley Park. The theatre is a 2/3 replica of the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles and is still home to open air concerts.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 1787 First European woman in BC

July 7, 1787Frances Barkley arrives in British Columbia; 17 years old, first European woman in BC. See biography available on the right